Posts by Helen Hart
All names and identifying details of clients have been changed to protect confidentiality
How can I … become successful?
Or more successful, depending on your outlook and circumstances. Is success something that you feel is hard to come by? Or does it feel like a shadow – something that is never really under your control? You’d be surprised at just how frequently the issue of success comes up, in my private therapy sessions, as…
Read MoreHow can I … be free from limitations?
Whose limitations? Most people are struggling with the limitations that they have consciously or unconsciously place on themselves. You can remain living in this haze or chose to break free and rise. I had a great day recently, spending time with a number of good friends I hadn’t seen for a while. My friend Sonia…
Read MoreHow can I . . . deal with a narcissist?
Are you in a relationship with somebody who constantly puts you down and belittles you? Do you have friends who always prioritise their own needs above yours? Is your parent only interested in you if you make them look good? Does your boss criticise your work in front of others, but take credit for the…
Read MoreHow can I . . . understand more about the fight or flight response?
I remember my manager sending me to assess my very first murderer. I was a young, trainee psychologist, and as I sat opposite this man (let’s call him Sam), who was reaching the end of his tariff of a life sentence, I recall being fascinated by his hands. He sat with them folded neatly in…
Read MoreHow can I . . . just accept myself as I am?
Ever wonder why it’s so hard to just accept yourself? Do you feel like other people reject you? Having read many articles and self-help books over the years (for research purposes only I might add!) it seems that they often come from the angle of “accepting yourself”, as this is seen as the key to…
Read MoreHow can I. . . thrive, not just survive?
Do you ever feel that there must be more to life? I am writing this in Mental Health Awareness week, where the Mental Health Foundation are promoting the need to care for our mental health better across the U.K. I have given various seminars, talks and workshops with this same title. Many clients come to…
Read MoreHow can I… understand myself better?
Do you ever wish you knew why you keep making the same mistakes? Do you ever feel stuck in a rut? Do you ever find yourself wondering what life’s about? These are the areas clients often want to look at in sessions. Often people come for therapy with no clear idea of what they want…
Read MoreHow can I . . . get included more?
Ever feel side-lined and ignored? Fiona came to see me for a few sessions to help her to get along with other people. She was in her thirties and she told me that she had recently moved to this city and felt lonely at work. She had no friends in her workplace, despite working in…
Read MoreHow can I. . . just get on with it?
Do you really want to make those changes? Are you scared you’ll fail or that people will laugh at you? My good friend Susan laughs at me when I quote the great Yoda from the Star Wars films, who said “Do or do not, there is no try.” Yet this is one of my mottos…
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